University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Gamma Beta Chapter

Pi Kappa Alpha is rooted in the concept of what are known as the Four Pillars of Pike: Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen. We strive to recruit well-rounded and motivated men who exemplify these four values. Hover over the pillars below to explore each value further.

PIKE provides a valuable arena for developing and honing leadership skills that will benefit the individual member throughout his life. In addition, the Fraternity promotes leadership through campus involvement and encourages its members to take on positions of leadership in other organizations through PIKE's strong network of alumni.

PIKE believes that athletic competition can provide valuable benefits to college students, because it encourages young men to challenge each other and to perform at their highest levels. We inspire our members to push themselves in everything they do and believe that through athletic competition we build teamwork skills, bolster unity within the chapter, and contribute to the physical and mental health of our members.

PIKE realizes that students enroll in college, first and foremost, to get a quality education. Consistent with this philosophy, the Fraternity places a strong emphasis on scholarship and on educating our members both inside and outside of the classroom. Through minimum GPA standards, mentor programs, educational programming and Pike University events, members are equipped to excel academically.
The Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation offers over $165,000 to our undergraduate members through more than 120 national and local scholarship programs.

PIKE is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. Six exemplary gentlemen founded Pi Kappa Alpha in 1868 as a way to build friendships based on common values. Today we continue in their tradition by recruiting quality gentlemen – men that respect themselves, their peers, and their communities, as stated in our True Pike values. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in the numerous community service and philanthropy opportunities presented by our chapters. Pi Kappa Alpha believes that a commitment to service is a crucial part of developing as a young man.

From Our Rush Chairman
Pi Kappa Alpha is built on what are known as the four Pillars of Pike: Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen. We strive to recruit well-rounded and motivated men who exemplify these four values and will benefit from the experiences, opportunities, and personal development our Fraternity has to offer.
Pike offers a diverse network of men from all corners of the University. Pike takes pride in promoting the value of Individual growth to propel the chapter forward as a whole. We all work hard to better ourselves and each other. This in turn allows us to excel in Athletics, Academics, and Community service year in and year out. Our devotion and hard work have not only been recognized by University of Nebraska Fraternities, but have placed us among the top Pike chapters in the nation.
On a more personal level, Pike has played a huge role in making me the man I am today. Associating myself with these guys has driven me to push myself out of my comfort zone, and to be the best man I can be. It has given me strong friendships that I would not trade for the world. Overall, it has helped me maximize my college experience, and I know it has for many men before me. I strongly urge freshmen and sophomores to consider Greek life and Pike, for it can be a priceless experience.
We encourage and appreciate any recommendations for potential young men who you think would be good for Pike. Contact Tanuskh Sharma with any recommendations or questions about events.
Dermot Pogson
Former Rush Chairman

What is Pi Kappa Alpha?
Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity is a Greek letter, secret, college, social fraternity. It is composed of men who share similar ideals of friendship, truth, honor, and loyalty. The Fraternity's ideals are expressed in the written words and symbols of a secret ritual. These ideals and members' ability to maintain the visions of the Fraternity's founders are the great moral legacy of Pi Kappa Alpha.
Pi Kappa Alpha was founded at the University of Virginia on March 1, 1868. At the time, the University of Virginia was the fifth largest school in the United States. Only Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Michigan were bigger. The University of Virginia is considered the first truly American state university because it was the first to be established totally free from religious control.
It all started in Room 47 West Range when Frederick Southgate Taylor turned to Littleton Waller Tazewell, his cousin and roommate, for help in starting a new fraternity. Also present was James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., a schoolmate of Tazewell, and Sclater's roommate Robertson Howard. Those four men voted to add a fifth to their group and chose Julian Edward Wood. Although history is unclear, William Alexander, probably a friend of Sclater, Jr., was proposed for membership and was admitted as a founder. The first initiate was Augustus Washington Knox.
The essence of the Founders' vision for Pi Kappa Alpha can be found in its Preamble. A committee was first suggested by Brother William Alexander "to draw up a statement of the origin and the organization of the Fraternity." The committee was composed of brothers Robertson Howard and Littleton Waller Tazewell. The resulting statement is now referred to as the Preamble:
Pi Kappa Alpha Preamble
Sunday evening, March 1, 1868
University of Virginia
For the establishment of friendship on a firmer
and more lasting basis, for the promotion of
brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual
benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy
of our regard;
We have resolved to form a Fraternity, believing that,
thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.
Robertson Howard
Julian Edward Wood
James Benjamin Sclater, Jr.
Fredrick Southgate Taylor
Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford)
William Alexander
Chapter Statement of Position on Hazing
Each chapter of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity recognizes the Fraternity's Standards, which include a standard of absolutely no hazing.
Many have experienced hazing in high school, either as a new member of an athletic team, a school band or a school social group. Hazing is often glorified in movies, and can take many forms. The most serious is direct physical abuse, such as being paddled, to a milder form, such as push-ups, to subtler approaches, such as drinking games.
Each chapter is aware that hazing is not acceptable conduct for any members to inflict upon one another and that no one should submit to any form of hazing as a condition of membership. Every member should refuse to participate in any hazing activity and, as importantly, should refuse to permit hazing being inflicted upon them.
If a member is approached and asked to participate in an activity which may be considered hazing
The member should refuse to participate in hazing; and
Know that such refusal will not place his membership in Pi Kappa Alpha at risk; and
Immediately report it to a chapter officer.
The purpose in providing this information is not because any members intend to haze pledges. However, when there are several personalities in a chapter, there is a remote possibility that some individual may, on the spur of the moment, ignore the Chapter's prohibition on hazing, and attempt a hazing activity with a pledge. Everyone should understand their rights and not be intimidated.
Each member has a personal responsibility not to condone any sort of hazing.
Executive Council
Our Leadership

Trevin Caverzagie
Internal Vice President

Allan Muinov

David Goldsmith
External Vice President

Jonathan Patton

Nathan Makinson

Zach Leinen
Recruitment Chairman

Cole Miller
Vice President of
Membership Development

Tommy Pepke
Health and Safety Officer

Ethan Heineman
Sergeant at Arms
Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about Pi Kappa Alpha, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to answer any questions, comments or concerns.